What does PMR mean in radio communication?

Oct 24,2022

PMR refers to Professional mobile radio or private mobile radio, VHF & UHF radio networks used by operators such as taxis, utilities and emergency services.

PMR are person-to-person two-way radio voice communications systems which use portable, mobile, base station, and dispatch consoles. PMR radio systems are based on such standards as MPT-1327, TETRA, APCO 25, and DMR. DMR is the standard on which BelFone digital radios are based.

PMR also refers to PMR446, a license-free public walkie-talkie protocol in the European Union and the United Kingdom. The PMR446 is named for the use of the 446Mhz radio frequency. PMR446 radio can use analog FM mode or digital mode (digital private mobile radio, dPMR446).

Some of BelFone PMR446 radio models are as follows:




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