BelFone Webinar: Emergency Communications System for PPDR

Jun 21,2021

BelFone, a pioneer company with over 30 years of experience in PMR radio communication solutions design, has attended the series webinars “Critical Communications Now” (CCNow) which held by leading Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) industry media, MCCResources and Radio China, to be focused on the latest developments on PMR related technologies, products and solutions that are offered by leading Chinese Technology manufacturers. Joining a lively group discussion of “How BelFone Emergency Communication System Taking PPDR to the Next Level?”,  we took two sessions for different customers from EMEA and Asia areas. 

BelFone BMC adopts three-layer architecture comprising six subsystems to integrate command center, field command and operation networks, offering private coverage and connectivity to public mobile networks. Let’s explore together of BelFone cutting-edge products and services.


During the discussion, the following customer-oriented topics have been referred to: 

  Who is BelFone? As an ambitious player, what is BelFone’s plan in global PMR market?

   How BelFone BMC System safeguarding communities and lives in uncertain situations? What BelFone has done to making communication safer & secure?

   BelFone R&D capacity, success in China, and the strategy of investing and expanding in the international markets.

Our next webcast "DMR TIER III TRUNKING SOLUTIONS AND APPLICATIONS" powered by CCNow will be ready soon, follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook to get the latest update.

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